Scholarship Golf Tournament
Alden Chamber Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament a Success
On Friday, July 28th, a group of 26 golfers participated in the Alden Chamber of Commerce’s 6th Annual Scholarship golf tournament hosted by Kis’n Greens Golf Course. All proceeds from the tournament go to the Alden Chamber of Commerce’s annual scholarship fund. The weather was perfect and golfers enjoyed a hot dog lunch at the turn while playing an 18-hole scramble. Included in this year’s fun was a silly ball contest, putting contest, and marshmallow contest!
The Alden Chamber would like to extend special thanks to all of the 6th Annual Scholarship golf tournament sponsors who made the event possible, including Gold Sponsors: Alden State Bank, Bene-Care Agency, Alden Village Market Silver Sponsors: Sitzmans Maytag, Can-Can Redemption and Elwood Jordans Tee Sponsors: Alden advertiser.

Winning “Team Real Tree” at the Alden Chamber Golf Tournament
A delicious Chiavetta’s-style ½ chicken BBQ dinner complete with fresh corn, baked beans, salt potatoes and salad, was served at the completion of the tournament. Congratulations go out to the winning team “Team Real Tree” In addition to the winning team, prizes were also awarded for the silly ball contest, putting contest, closest to the pin, and longest drive. 50/50 raffle tickets were also sold throughout the day and the winning number chosen at dinner. Of course, the real winners are our scholarship recipients. This year two $500 scholarships were awarded respectively to Alexis Dawol and Joshua Chester, graduates of Alden High School. This event would not have been possible without assistance from the employees of Kis’n Greens and the support of local sponsors and volunteers.